Yūgen #9  (series of 13) -  acrylic painting : sold

Cosmic Balance -Bronze: sold
Cosmic Balance -Bronze: sold
Cosmic Balance -Bronze: sold
Cosmic Balance -Bronze: sold
Below are a selection of ceramics, each type was a series of 7 to 20 variations: all sold
14" ht. Vase Raku: sold
14" ht. Vase Raku: sold
14" ht. Vase Raku: sold
14" ht. Vase Raku: sold
12" ht. Bowl :sold
12" ht. Bowl :sold
12" ht. Bowl :sold
12" ht. Bowl :sold
12" ht. Vase :sold
12" ht. Vase :sold
12" ht. Vase: sold
12" ht. Vase: sold
17" ht. Vase Raku: sold
17" ht. Vase Raku: sold
17" ht. Vase Raku:sold
17" ht. Vase Raku:sold
13" ht. Vase: sold
13" ht. Vase: sold
5" ht. Raku bowl :sold
5" ht. Raku bowl :sold
9" ht. bowl :sold
9" ht. bowl :sold
21"ht. coil Vase: sold
21"ht. coil Vase: sold
7"ht. Cup: sold
7"ht. Cup: sold
15"ht. Vase: sold
15"ht. Vase: sold
below: first Art Exhibition in Space: painting selected for Mir Space Station art archive: 1995
'Mapping Ourselves through the Cosmos' by Simon Koumjian III   Painting  11”x17”: sold
Mir Space Station: 1986 - 2001
Mir Space Station: 1986 - 2001
Mapping Ourselves Through the Cosmos: by Simon Koumjian III
Mapping Ourselves Through the Cosmos: by Simon Koumjian III
Art Exhibit in Space:painting by Simon Koumjian III
Art Exhibit in Space:painting by Simon Koumjian III
 Artful Immersion: Memorial Hall Commemorative Mural:     November 1991                      
The 'plaque' idea is envisioned into a sculptural wall mural in St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Apostolic Church Memorial Hall
Glass and wood were selected to generate a dynamic dance of light and shadow. The glass field with etched names unites all the of those remembered alongside Armenian translations and alphabet. The etched historical symbols  and the glass transparency allows us to look into the past while reflecting on the future.  Mt. Ararat's situate graphed into the wood panel sets the depth of spiritual landscape.  
Dedication & Blessing Ceremony
Dedication & Blessing Ceremony
Detail of light and shadow
Detail of light and shadow
MockUp of  Construction
MockUp of Construction
Etching Process
Etching Process
Detail of names & words in Light and Shadow
Detail of names & words in Light and Shadow
Detail for  Construction
Detail for Construction
Detail of  Etchings
Detail of Etchings
Dedication & Blessing  Ceremony
Dedication & Blessing Ceremony
Dedication & Blessing Ceremony
Dedication & Blessing Ceremony
Dedication Ceremony
Dedication Ceremony
Brochure: Title
Brochure: Title
Brochure: Dedication Program
Brochure: Dedication Program
Memorial Hall Committee
Memorial Hall Committee
Sculpture: earning two minor degrees in Fine Arts, along with his two Architectural degrees, Simon has sculpted art designs in clay, plaster, wood, stone, and bronze during his earlier decades. He will pursue architectural scale sculptures in the late 2020's.
Below are only a few selected finished sculptures:
Marraige series #3: sold
Marraige series #3: sold
Marraige series #3: sold
Marraige series #3: sold
Marraige series #3: sold
Marraige series #3: sold
below: Assemblage Art Series - Words Are Our Tools:    all sold
These Assemblage sculptures integrates an Earth-shattering book (e.g. The Dialogues of Plato) with one hand held tool. Specific pages of the book are removed and wrapped over the tool, the remaining book, and the rotating field.
The book is an instrument to be held close to the body by the hands. A book takes time to read and offers its own internal time. The handheld tool is an artifact held by the hand and enables human beings to transform their environment by physically extending the body. By comparison, a painting is usually viewed from a distance, and in a moment; it is absorbed by the viewer at one time.
Each rotating-paused assemblage in this exhibition challenges our adaptation of this unconscious convention. Words are the tools we us to construct our world, our reality; and our tools extend us into the cosmos.

Spin-in-place these mixed media assemblages offer a window of Words as-Tools to imagine new Realities; inspired by Tibetan prayer wheels 

Aristotle Constructs the Universe against Plato: sold

Freud & Satre Harvest Religion: sold

Ortega Gasset Shatters Realism: sold

Marx & Engels Confront Capitalism: sold

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