Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC)
We are proud to have been part of designing, in the 1980’s, the display for celebrating the original Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering. First publicly announced on February 14, 1946, this computer was one of the earliest electronic computers designed and completed in the world…
Display and building renovations by Simon Koumjian Associates
The planning and design of this computer (ENIAC) began in secret during World War II at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering, where parts of the computer is on permanent display. See link for History:

Modern Utah Residence remodel for preservation
This residence located in Southeastern Utah was originally designed and constructed as a prefab residence by Marmol Radziner Architects, a designed based on the mid-20th century modern ‘Case Study Houses’.  
However, the extended terraces and breezeway areas of this residence prefab design did not preserve the seamless ceiling line qualities of these remarkable Case Study Houses --all designed by world renowned innovative architects -- which extended the interior ceiling qualities out to exterior living areas.
We researched a number of material finishes and design details to best enhance this modern design for preserving the original intentions of the celebrated  mid-20th century Case Study Houses…
Concept 1: wood
Concept 1: wood
Concept 2: wood
Concept 2: wood
Concept 3: metal
Concept 3: metal

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